
Don’t See You Make?

Over the past few years the collision repair world has been reshaped. More now than ever the vehicle manufactures are stepping in to ensure their vehicles are being repair properly after a collision. One way they are able to do this is screening collision repair facilities to see if they meet or exceed the requirements they set for training, equipment, and customer service. Although not all manufacturers have started “certification programs”, many in the past few years have.

When looking to align ourselves with vehicle manufacturers there were several factors that took special consideration. After taking a closer look at the types of vehicles our fantastic customers drive & own, we picked a large group of manufacturers to pursue due to their predominance within our facility. There are several manufacturers that we have not perused for certification due to small market size, diminishing returns, and honestly the politics involved concerning equipment purchasing. Regardless, we cover a majority of our customers and will continue to grow our network as the remaining manufacturers release programs for us to join. We are proud to be one of the most widely certified shops in the area and only look to grow the industry as a whole with regards to proper & safe repairs.

Below is the list of vehicle manufacture programs we are a part of, click the link to learn more about the programs & their requirements.

Don’t see your vehicle maker listed below? Not all manufactures have certification programs yet or, like Toyota, only allow dealership owned shops to be on their programs. We still work on all makes and models and have some of the very best tooling and training in the industry. We follow your vehicle makers repair procedures to insure a safe & quality repair, while offering a lifetime guarantee.